
Pac man pinky png
Pac man pinky png

pac man pinky png

Outside of his specials, Pac-Man has a good combo game. It is also difficult to gimp, especially from an overhead perspective, thanks to Pac-Man's jumps having unblockable hitboxes, and can function as a good out of shield option when used properly. Pac-Jump is an effective vertical recovery should all three trampoline jumps be used, and makes it safe to edge-guard off-stage, as Pac-Man will likely make it back onto the stage. Apart from his projectiles, Pac-Man also possesses a slow, but potent, KO option in Power Pellet, which functions both as a great recovery and mindgame option, as it can be aimed prematurely and made to curve in creative angles using his Fire Hydrant's push effect, and can also be confirmed off of Bonus Fruit's Bell. As a result, the water can be used to space, gimp poor recoveries, and even force opponents into Pac-Man's attacks. In addition to its offensive potential, Fire Hydrant has defensive potential, thanks to its shots of water possessing a push effect. It is also Pac-Man's most powerful projectile when launched, which makes it a viable KO option from a distance. This allows him to confuse and force movements from his opponents to put them in disadvantageous positions, especially off-stage.įire Hydrant, when used in the air, functions similarly to Stone, which makes it useful for covering landings or breaking combos. Two special moves, Bonus Fruit and Fire Hydrant, grant him numerous mix-ups for almost any situation: each object provided by Bonus Fruit has different attributes, which makes them good spacing, combo, and edge-guarding options, and some notably possess early KO potential as a way to overcome his smash attacks' slow speeds and low ranges, such as the Apple or the Key. Pac-Man, like Diddy Kong, is reliant on his item-producing special moves to control the flow of battle and win in the neutral game. Pac-Man is also able to crawl and wall jump, although the former is largely impractical because of his crouch's tall height. As a result, these traits make him a rather floaty character, albeit not to the degree of Rosalina. Although his air and dashing speeds are average and his air acceleration and traction are above average, his walking speed is slightly below average, while his falling speed is below average and his gravity is low. Pac-Man is a middleweight whose attributes slightly deviate from the typicality of his weight class. Pac-Man must then be defeated on Pac-Land (the Ω form is used in World of Light).

  • Have Pac-Man join the player's party in World of Light.
  • Clear Classic Mode with Kirby or any character in his unlock tree, being the 3rd character unlocked after Jigglypuff.
  • matches, with Pac-Man being the 49th character to be unlocked.
  • 6.1 Most historically significant players.

  • Pac man pinky png